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A perfect place for a sweet treat whenever in the neighbourhood is Shreeji Janta Ice-Cream at Kareilibaug and Waghodiya in Vadodara, Gujarat. The brand was founded in the year 1986 with a small ice-cream joint. The response it received led to its successful journey, culminating in the establishment of a chain of ice-cream parlours all across the city. It is the brand's commitment to quality that has led to its success and made it a name to reckon within the industry. Easily accessible to people of all age groups, this establishment is situated strategically at Kareilibaug and Waghodiya in Vadodara, Gujarat; areas that are well-connected to other eminent parts of the city via numerous modes of public transport.
When visiting Shreeji Janta Ice-Cream, customers are in for a delightful experience. The ice-cream parlour presents one with an extensive range of ice-cold delights in a myriad of flavours to choose from. The menu is categorized into Ice-Cream, Seasonal Ice-Cream, Young Choice Ice-Cream, Fresh Fruit Ice-Cream, Sundae's, Milkshakes, Thickshakes, Faluda's, Juices, Lassi's, Cold Coco and much more. All the offerings are prepared using the finest quality of raw materials and ingredients. The staff here is polite in their interactions and offer prompt service. The air-conditioned venue is neatly maintained and has glass displays displaying different flavours.
We at Shreeji Janta Ice-Cream are manufacturers and have manufacturing units situated in Vadodara. We also supply our products to retailers and take up party orders like marriages, corporate events and much more.
Operations Commenced On 1986
Franchise Commenced On 2021
Investment INR 10lakh - 20lakh
Franchise/Brand Fee INR 150000
Royalty/Commission 1 %
Exclusive territorial rights to a unit franchisee Yes
Performance guarantee to Unit Franchise Yes
Anticipated percentage return on investment 30 %
Likely pay back period of capital for a Unit Franchise 1-2 Years
Other investment requirements Not Applicabe
- NA -
- NA -
- NA -
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra
- NA -
- NA -
Type of property required for this franchise opportunity Commercial
Floor area requirement 300 - 350 Sq.ft
Preferred location of unit franchise outlet Area should be easily accessible by road and shouldn't be on the outskirts of the city. Preferably a central location.
Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Yes
Franchisee training location Vadodara
Is field assistance available for franchisee ? Yes
Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise Yes
Current IT systems will be included in the franchise Yes
Do you have a standard franchise agreement? Yes
How long is the franchise term for? 3 Years
Is the term renewable? Yes
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