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SuperKart365 is a revolutionary business promotion digital system integrated with eCommerce that’s focused on increasing the business of local businesses and retailers.
Our intent is to create a system where business owners at large will not only get a multi-functional digital portal and apps to use but also not bear the cost of purchasing one for private use. Which often turns out to be out of budget for MSME’s and local retailers.
We have created SuperKart365 with the sole intent of boosting local businesses and sharing our business with like-minded people who are our franchisees. Apart from a general eCommerce platform, we are not looking towards charging high profits to local businesses that register with us; however, we would not look towards making enough cash flow so our system can be upgraded and maintained for full functioning.
What are our unique selling points? For Customers
What are our unique selling points? For Businesses and Vendors
Who is our target audience?
We welcome all forms of B2C businesses to use SuperKart365. SuperKart365 is open to product-based B2C businesses and service-based B2C businesses across India.
Our Franchise Program:
Being a not-for-profit business model, our company, SuperKart365, is going to partner with franchisees across India to ensure that we don't have to seek out big investors who are usually expecting high returns on investments, which will in turn make our business model focus on making profits, thus imposing a burden on local businesses that are registering to use our digital business promotion system. So, franchisees will be our business partners in ensuring that this system spreads like wildfire across India, and in return, we will be more than happy to give them 50% to 70% of the cash flow we generate from the businesses they generate using SuperKart365.
We are sure that the above data will suffice for your need for growth in our business model.
Operations Commenced On 2020
Franchise Commenced On 2020
Investment INR 10000 - 50000
Franchise/Brand Fee INR 50000
Royalty/Commission 70 %
Region Wise
Investment INR 50lakh - 1 Cr.
State Wise
Investment INR 20lakh - 30lakh
City Wise
Investment INR 50000 - 2lakh
Royalty/Commission 70 %
Exclusive territorial rights to a unit franchisee Yes
Anticipated percentage return on investment 78 %
Likely pay back period of capital for a Unit Franchise 1-3 Months
Other investment requirements No
Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh
- NA -
Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, West Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Goa
Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand
Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Yes
Franchisee training location Online Video Conferencing
Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise Yes
Current IT systems will be included in the franchise Yes
Do you have a standard franchise agreement? Yes
How long is the franchise term for? 1 Year
Is the term renewable? Yes
Disclaimer: Franchise India is an integrated franchise solution company since 1999, and an absolute authority on franchising and licensing. FIHL ( and the site sponsors accept no liability for the accuracy of any information contained on this site or on other linked sites. We recommend you take advice from a lawyer, accountant and franchise consultant experienced in franchising before you commit yourself. It is user’s responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and reliability of the information supplied. Please read the terms & conditions on Franchise India.
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