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Welcome to the small kids world, we are Rainbow Kids the play school offering the business opportunity in the play school Welcome to Rainbow kids, welcome to a world filled with fun & education.
The years a child spends at a kindergarten school are among the most impressible years of his life. Young mind like clay pots and can only be mould when at the tender age.
Hence we at Rainbow Kids have implemented a simple philosophy of laugh Learn & Lead. We have a habit of developing future leaders. We work on the overall development of a young mind in the right environment to work wonders for years to come.
We at Rainbow School know that parents are rightfully concerned about the type of manner of education provided and are interested in the total development of their children.
They love kids and they love Rainbow Kids resulting in a dynamic challenging and excitement filled atmosphere. For teachers through self motivated school based activities.
As our logo symbolizes that we believe in cultivating young minds to give them a strong foundation based on the principles of Integrity.
Be our franchisee and start getting lucrative returns!
Rainbow Kids Team
Operations Commenced On 2012
Franchise Commenced On 2015
Investment INR 50000 - 2lakh
Franchise/Brand Fee INR depends upon the are
- NA -
- NA -
- NA -
Gujarat, Maharashtra
Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh
- NA -
Floor area requirement ground floor prefarable
Preferred location of unit franchise outlet taluka place or a city
Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Yes
Is field assistance available for franchisee ? Yes
Current IT systems will be included in the franchise Yes
How long is the franchise term for? Lifetime
Disclaimer: Franchise India is an integrated franchise solution company since 1999, and an absolute authority on franchising and licensing. FIHL ( and the site sponsors accept no liability for the accuracy of any information contained on this site or on other linked sites. We recommend you take advice from a lawyer, accountant and franchise consultant experienced in franchising before you commit yourself. It is user’s responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and reliability of the information supplied. Please read the terms & conditions on Franchise India.
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