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BRANDQZ Mobile Application came up with an idea/vision to create a single platform which can capture inputs from all the above mentionedimportant roles that an individual plays in his/her life which play significant role in running business and political community. We are trackingconsumer consumption habit & buying habits on daily basis across India (both urban & rural). Through our Unique BrandQz Mobile Application.
The company has pioneered the breakthrough methods in marketing research that focuses on increasing sales. The partner brands havebenefitted by associating with us and their sales have been boosted with Cashback/Offer /Reward only if the consumer would buy theproduct form a particular store. What more it also sells your product on discounted rates after buying on a wholesale rate from you, Theactivity generates sales as well as positive revives.
Traditional retailers are suffering due to aggressive marketing strategies of retailers like online. These retailers acquire and maintain customersby offering various eye-catching deals through their respective platforms. And despite their willingness to provide attractive deals to theircustomers, traditional retailers are not able do so as they do not have the online platform that can connect them with their existing andprospective customers.
Our Platform is a boon for the retailers to boost their sales & to acquire a large number of new customers and to sustain their old customer intheir respective locality.
Brands can increase their visibility among the customers & retailer to push their sales i.e. to influence buyers to purchase their brand which willhelp the brand to spread their market reach Market Research Companies & Brands can use our panel to conduct & collect survey details bysimply giving an incentive to our panelist.
We have a highly active & sustainable Panel with all target groups. No Additional survey acquisition cost only Panelist incentive applicable. Weare also providing free SMS / Email Blast. Engaging users with our App to earn points by participating in survey, uploading bills, playingvarious games. Earned points can be redeemed in form of cashback, offer & rewards. Promoting Retailers in their nearby area by digital advertisement, SMS, Product Offers, discount to attract new customer and to sustain existing customers.
Brands can push their products and increase their market reach to influence new retailers as well as customers.
Operations Commenced On 2019
Franchise Commenced On 2021
State Wise
Investment INR 50000 - 2lakh
Royalty/Commission 55 %
City Wise
Investment INR 5lakh - 10lakh
Royalty/Commission 40 %
Anticipated percentage return on investment 100 %
Likely pay back period of capital for a Unit Franchise 5-11 Years
Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh
Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana
West Bengal, Odisha
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra
Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand
- NA -
Type of property required for this franchise opportunity Domestic
Floor area requirement 100 - 200 Sq.ft
Preferred location of unit franchise outlet Any District in India
Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Yes
Franchisee training location IN State Capital
Is field assistance available for franchisee ? Yes
Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise Yes
Current IT systems will be included in the franchise Yes
Do you have a standard franchise agreement? Yes
How long is the franchise term for? Lifetime
Is the term renewable? Yes
Disclaimer: Franchise India is an integrated franchise solution company since 1999, and an absolute authority on franchising and licensing. FIHL ( and the site sponsors accept no liability for the accuracy of any information contained on this site or on other linked sites. We recommend you take advice from a lawyer, accountant and franchise consultant experienced in franchising before you commit yourself. It is user’s responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and reliability of the information supplied. Please read the terms & conditions on Franchise India.
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