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Chaperon Biotech Pvt. Ltd. (CBPL) is a registered company under the company act 1956 (No1 of 1956). The company is mainly based on Industrial training, project & R&D purpose. It is authorized to take contract projects from private as well as government firms. Our company provides training and project in the field of biotechnology, molecular biology, microbiology, molecular cloning, immunology, environmental and other department of biotechnology. We also carry business of Manufacturing, Marketing and Export of Bio-fertilizers.Chaperon Biotech is dedicated to provide a backbone to the biological research, for proper utilization of the advancements in the field of biological sciences by taking together students, professional, academics, organizations through consultative, advisory, educative process which will provide growth and partnership opportunities for organization, academics, and students and the society and mankind as a whole. Chaperon Biotech works to create a platform conductive for the growth promotion and partnering in the field of biological sciences.For the sake of the enhancement of the vast field of biotechnology in the industrial field we conduct various industrial training programs and projects for certification of students in Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Immunology, Cloning, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Biochemistry & Enzymology. We hear in Chaperon Biotech Pvt. Ltd. (CBPL) provide highly efficient team which is highly qualified for work in any field of biotechnology. Here in Chaperon Biotech Pvt. Ltd. CBPL we have well equipped lab which have all the facilities in the world for caring out the work. Chaperon Biotech will own its independent Research & Development wing, which will developed many molecular biology products, health care products, bio-fertilizers products and wishes to commercialize them in near future. | ||||||||||||||||||
OUR BELIEVE | ||||||||||||||||||
Our vision is to be a leading biotech company in India by the year 2025. We shall provide total customer satisfaction and achieve leadership in chosen markets, products and services across the globe, through excellence in technology, based on world-class research and development. | ||||||||||||||||||
ADVISORY COMMITTEE | ||||||||||||||||||
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FACULTY | ||||||||||||||||||
Operations Commenced On 2013
Franchise Commenced On 2013
Investment INR 10000 - 50000
State Wise
Investment INR 50000 - 2lakh
Anticipated percentage return on investment 20 %
Likely pay back period of capital for a Unit Franchise 4 - 9 Years
Other investment requirements yas
Uttar Pradesh
- NA -
- NA -
- NA -
- NA -
- NA -
Type of property required for this franchise opportunity Rented
Floor area requirement 1500 - 20000 Sq.ft
Preferred location of unit franchise outlet Near to colleges
Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Yes
Franchisee training location Kanpur
Is field assistance available for franchisee ? Yes
Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise Yes
Current IT systems will be included in the franchise Yes
How long is the franchise term for? Lifetime
Is the term renewable? Yes
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