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Jun, 30 2007

'Business is for profit!' and these educationists show you how

EducationOne has made a difference in thousands of childrens' lives. Amri Shahpuri, a Canadian born educationist, who has been featured in newspaper columns and has been written about in Femina magazine, has customized western learning techniques to help

EducationOne has made a difference in thousands of childrens' lives. Amri Shahpuri, a Canadian born educationist, who has been featured in newspaper columns and has been written about in Femina magazine, has customized western learning techniques to help Indian students, teaching them to be independent leaders, without the crutch of tutors, and at the same time, to develop important personality skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

"Success" is a modest term when describing the phenomenal growth this company has experienced. However, not too long ago, the company realized that franchising was the only true way to achieve the type of growth they were targeting. They then presented a franchise formula which industry observers are calling "The Golden Formula!" Just imagine: Low investment, low headaches, and very high profits! And with a payback for initial investment that can often be within the first month, people around the country are raising their eyebrows. The only thing holding back the company's explosive franchising growth is their own desire to control things. When asked to comment on this, Amri Shahpuri commented: "We don't need investors. We're not money minded. Nor do we need people who simply want to utilize their commercial space. Our franchisees need to be the right type of people, whom we can call our family members."

EducationOne is the largest supplementary education company of its kind in India. It started four years ago with three employees and has grown to 150 employees with thousands of enrolled students. EducationOne has brought countless innovative and effective teaching techniques of the west to the Indian student, with a focus on creating all-round Achievers, strong in academics and personality, as well.

EducationOne - A Unique Methodology

The EducationOne Method reduces the burden that children feel with every academic year, and at the same time, increases their marks by up to 10% to 15%. The program supplements what the child is learning in school, by giving individualized, tailor-made assignments to each child, that are based on each child's individual needs. Each child is treated like an individual. Behind the scenes, a very sophisticated computer program analyzes each child's progress on a weekly basis, and designs an absolutely customized assignment for each child! And why not? After all, each child is different! Along with the assignments, children also get Maths Drill Sheets, which help them get rid of "silly mistakes" in Maths. They also get grammar worksheets, and general knowledge "Did You Know?" handouts to make learning fun, practical, and comprehensive. The goal is to make the child a walking-talking encyclopedia, without the child ever feeling burdened.

But EducationOne goes far beyond just academics, because they take care of the "overall" child. EducationOne exposes their students to Personality Development Workshops such as Leadership, Assertiveness, Public Speaking, Time Management, and so many more. On a weekly basis, students are also regularly counselled to reduce hurdles in all aspects of their lives, and to steer them in the right direction towards success. In fact, the extent that they go to in their counselling sessions is really appreciated by parents, because they are able to penetrate to the household problems and solve parent-child issues, like indiscipline, poor study habits, back answering, excessive TV watching, etc. We all know that parenting is not easy, so EducationOne counsellors use their efforts to take care of a lot issues that the child and parent are facing at home. After a certain age, when children almost stop listening to their parents, EducationOne is there to steer things in the right direction.

EducationOne builds relatio-nships between students and their Academic Counsellors in a friendly manner. The best part is that most of it is 1-to-1, so the child is able to get an extraordinary mentor and coach at every step of the way. By doing so, the child starts to become independent and self-sufficient, unlike children that are busy going from tuition to tuition.

Franchising - An Innovative Concept

With overwhelming demand for the concept throughout India, the company was pressurized to innovate into something that could be replicated at a small-scale, with low investments and very high returns. EducationOne evolved into a frachiseable system, called the "EducationOne Promise Centres" in January 2007, which not only do everything that EducationOne™ does, but also take the benefits closer to students by setting up small (and yet highly profitable) centres near the child's house. The franchising model is so successful that even with the weakest of the franchisees, the company does not see failure; rather, it sees a challenge of making even the most unlikely franchise a profitable centre.

With its unbelievably profitable franchise model, EducationOne Promise Centres have now started to pop-up in all parts of the country, and EducationOne will soon open Promise Centres abroad, also. Presently, EducationOne has 15 franchise centres and plans to reach a total of 30 centres by the end of this year.

Requirements from Franchisees

Starting your own EducationOne Promise Centre is easy. But the company wants franchisees to understand that they are not looking for investors or people who are finding options to utilize vacant space they have. They are looking for "family members" who will represent them to the parents and children in their respective communities. All a franchisee needs is 350 to 650 sq. ft. of commercial space (rented or owned), as well as some capital for set-up and the franchise fees. The initial investment required is typically below Rs. 4 lacs. From when a franchise centre opens up, till the time it reaches break-even, the support from the company is nothing short of phenomenal! They give it their 100%, each time, and when you ask them why, they politely say: "The franchisee has put their trust in us, and we have a commitment to follow. Moreover, it's for kids' sake!"

Training and Support

The support, the know-how, the content, the training, etc., is all exceptional. Virtually everything is done by the franchisor, and all the franchisee has to do is devote a couple of hours a day to manage and care for the centre. The parent company hand-holds the franchisees to profitability but expects the franchisee to be able to give a couple of hours a day to help maintain the same quality that they have built.

They pride themselves as a training company. "Training is the backbone of everything we do," says Ashish Sobti, Head of Operations." "On the first Monday of every month, we start the EducationOne "Boot Camp" where franchisees and their staff come for training. We also conduct daily, weekly, and monthly quality audits for each franchise centre." What is truly innovative is that each franchise partner (or their appointed Centre Manager) is required to run an existing EducationOne Promise centre for a week, before they are allowed to manage their own centre.

Scale of Opportunity

Lokesh Darira, the Head of Franchise Operations at EducationOne is excited about how fast the franchise model of the company is catching on. He says: "The scope for education in India is limitless. Supplementary education for classes 5th to 10th has been largely ignored up till now. EducationOne came and organized this segment, alone. We are proud of our franchisees, who are opening centres throughout India, as this further helps us organize this segment. Parents are looking for solutions about how to raise great children with the challenges of today. They are looking for solutions on how to make their children competitive and successful. Parents are desperate to give their children that edge and are tired of hearing about how overburdened their children are. EducationOne Promise Centres are helping parents understand these objectives and find new ways to reach them." Before joining EducationOne as the Head of Franchise Operations, Lokesh Darira, himself was a proud EducationOne parent for many years!

High Returns

The return on investment typically ranges between 150% to 300% per year, as per EducationOne pessimistic calculations. This is because the parent company is busy doing all the labour intensive work, like content creation, training, quality audits, technical support, etc., for the franchisees. They even help build each franchise centre, by sending their own managers and workers. All the franchisee has to do is be involved with the centre setup and hire just a few staff members (4 - 5), and be the "family" member who oversees the day-to-day operations, for a couple of hours a day. In fact, it's perfect for educationists, ambitious house ladies who want to do something that works, young couples wanting to start their own business, and people that already have their own coaching centres or abacus centres. There is little set-up cost, little maintenance costs, and high returns. The profits are amazing. "It's a great feeling for us that we are able to exceed the franchisee's expectations in terms of profitability and support. We have been very fortunate with our growth so far, but we realize that business is for profit. This is what really has been appealing to our franchisees. We have had great success appointing the best franchisees who want to take us all over India. We want EducationOne Promise to always be associated with success: success for its students and for its franchisees!" Says Gulraj S. Shahpuri, Director, EducationOne.

EducationOne Promise delivers What it Promises

Experience and exposure have helped EducationOne to positively change the lives of thousands of enrolled students. As it is the first to offer such international teaching techniques to students, without the crutch of tutors, people were unaware of how it could be possible. The success stories have been countless, and the students have been very open to express how EducationOne has helped them in their success. That is probably why it has become a brand that is known for delivering what it promises. The brand ambassadors are the children!

From a franchisee's point of view, nothing could be better than the Franchisee Model: Low investment, low headaches, and very high profits! And with a payback for initial investment that happens so quickly, it really does seem to be the "The Golden Formula!"

(To be a part of the success and to become a franchisee, contact:
Lokesh Darira at 09312225325 or Suhita Banerjee at 09810253334.)

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