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Mar, 31 2007


EDUCATION is an ever green phenomenon and plays an important role in every person's life. Akiko Lingua, an enterprise of Akiko Callnet, a premiere call centre training and placement institute, is the new entrant in the field of language training industry.

EDUCATION is an ever green phenomenon and plays an important role in every person's life. Akiko Lingua, an enterprise of Akiko Callnet, a premiere call centre training and placement institute, is the new entrant in the field of language training industry. It provides best opportunity for aspirants to learn English easily and professionally. It recognises the needs of students to have professional English language that would arm them with the requisite language skills. With more and more multinational companies coming to India, the necessity to produce English proficient manpower is increasing manifold, more especially with English positioning itself as Lingua Franca, the universal language of communication.
For the last six years Akiko has been instrumental in identifying the training and manpower needs and developing the aspirants to be occupied in the international and domestic call centres. It has branches across the country providing adequate and trained manpower to the call centres/BPO's. Employment opportunities in India have increased over the last 5 years but there is acute shortage of skilled manpower because of the traditional theoretical education system and lack of technological and practical knowledge. Thus, Akiko Planet has been bridging this void by providing professional education matching the requirements of the Industry.
Akiko Planet is shortly launching a bigger platform to offer courses not only for the Call Centres/ BPO's but also for retail management, banking, tours and travels, finance, insurance, aviation and hospitality. Akiko is one of the associates for setting up education city in Bhopal providing education for all disciplines and job opportunities. Akiko is also associated with International educational institutes offering professional diploma, graduation and post-graduation courses under common campus.
Akiko's aim is to ensure that the aspirants should learn more, earn more and spend more. This aim could be achieved by providing quality practical education at affordable prices to enable the aspirants to get a suitable job. If the candidate is intelligent, smart and have financial constraints then Akiko also provides support in terms of scholarships and financial aids.
Akiko lingua is looking for potential franchisees across India, offering full support for business set up and establishment guidance, marketing support on sharing basis, coursewares and other training material.

EDUCATION is an ever green phenomenon and plays an important role in every person's life. Akiko Lingua, an enterprise of Akiko Callnet, a premiere call centre training and placement institute, is the new entrant in the field of language training industry. It provides best opportunity for aspirants to learn English easily and professionally. It recognises the needs of students to have professional English language that would arm them with the requisite language skills. With more and more multinational companies coming to India, the necessity to produce English proficient manpower is increasing manifold, more especially with English positioning itself as Lingua Franca, the universal language of communication.
For the last six years Akiko has been instrumental in identifying the training and manpower needs and developing the aspirants to be occupied in the international and domestic call centres. It has branches across the country providing adequate and trained manpower to the call centres/BPO's. Employment opportunities in India have increased over the last 5 years but there is acute shortage of skilled manpower because of the traditional theoretical education system and lack of technological and practical knowledge. Thus, Akiko Planet has been bridging this void by providing professional education matching the requirements of the Industry.
Akiko Planet is shortly launching a bigger platform to offer courses not only for the Call Centres/ BPO's but also for retail management, banking, tours and travels, finance, insurance, aviation and hospitality. Akiko is one of the associates for setting up education city in Bhopal providing education for all disciplines and job opportunities. Akiko is also associated with International educational institutes offering professional diploma, graduation and post-graduation courses under common campus.
Akiko's aim is to ensure that the aspirants should learn more, earn more and spend more. This aim could be achieved by providing quality practical education at affordable prices to enable the aspirants to get a suitable job. If the candidate is intelligent, smart and have financial constraints then Akiko also provides support in terms of scholarships and financial aids.
Akiko lingua is looking for potential franchisees across India, offering full support for business set up and establishment guidance, marketing support on sharing basis, coursewares and other training material.

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