To get access to over 10000+ Franchise Business Opportunities.
Network with the growing Business Community to get expert interventions to let you learn to Grow & Expand your Business with Franchising.
We have three different product and Service for Franchisee’s, so that a franchisee can get handsome income 10000/- to 50000/- per month from taking one franchisee and getting benefit of three.
Launched in 2012 Sristy Education has raised the bar for education in the region by various modes of Education. Today,
Our partnership model is one of the most successful models working for education sector in region. The demand for quality education is growing by the day. There's dearth of individuals and institutions that can bring a change in this field. Individuals who value the importance of education and who can offer their time and investment can make a big difference
It is an awesome privilege to be part of a child's life and make a difference that will last. Such an experience surely touches your heart and gives a sense of fulfillment. You too can have this rewarding experience and be closely associated with Sristy Education, by becoming a partner.
To qualify to be a Sristy Education partner:
Join the leading name to make a head start and get benefitted.
Offer for Franchisee Partners:
During last years, it has been observed that most of the students are accepting online education programs alternative to traditional campus based programs. This results in the increase in the demand of online education throughout the country.
Taking online education franchise is a lucrative business option. By becoming franchisee, you will overcome the administrative headaches associated with setting up a business from scratch & get support in terms of advertising, marketing, operational and the like. Want to become successful business owner in this growing segment?
Sristy Education invites you to participate in the growing trend of online education industry with various online education franchise opportunities available.
Offer for Franchisee Partners:
Why to Choose this Business:
Sristy Creations is a company dealing in Website Designing, Web Development, E-Commerce Solutions, Mobile Application Development, Internet Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Social Media.
Whether you are looking to update your site, add new features, better your ranking position on searches or just wondering if you should start a site, WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!
Offer for Franchisee Partners:
Opportunity is available, contact now to know more and get the advantage...Hurry!
Sristy Education & Creation Team
Operations Commenced On 2012
Franchise Commenced On 2015
Investment INR 10000 - 50000
Exclusive territorial rights to a unit franchisee Yes
Anticipated percentage return on investment 200% %
Likely pay back period of capital for a Unit Franchise 1 year
- NA -
- NA -
West Bengal
- NA -
- NA -
- NA -
Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Yes
Franchisee training location Kharagpur
Is field assistance available for franchisee ? Yes
Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise Yes
Do you have a standard franchise agreement? Yes
How long is the franchise term for? 2 Years
Is the term renewable? Yes
Disclaimer: Franchise India is an integrated franchise solution company since 1999, and an absolute authority on franchising and licensing. FIHL ( and the site sponsors accept no liability for the accuracy of any information contained on this site or on other linked sites. We recommend you take advice from a lawyer, accountant and franchise consultant experienced in franchising before you commit yourself. It is user’s responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and reliability of the information supplied. Please read the terms & conditions on Franchise India.
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