VR in the Classrooms for a Unique One Stop Experience

VR in the Classrooms for a Unique One Stop Experience

VR in the Classrooms for a Unique One Stop Experience
The inclusion of VR into the curriculum will also allow teachers to supplement their talents with that of engineers and pioneers of virtual technology.

Virtual Reality are new technologies which have been making all kinds of waves recently; but VR and AR are not only going to be used for gaming, several companies are exploring applications for VR and AR to be used in education. Around 90% of what we see and do is retained, which is something that has always been missing from education; students do not retain as much information if they are just reading a textbook compared to having more real applications of what they’re learning.

Why VR in education is so beneficial?

These technologies engage students in a completely new way which is more fun and engaging for them. It increases retention. Several companies are currently working on innovations in this space; and the work we’ve seen so far is surely a good sign of things to come.

We have picked 7 best virtual reality apps about education, covering space exploring, school education, and language learning.

Start Chart

With over 20 million users this app brings the universe a little closer. Students can learn about constellations by aiming their phones at the night sky. There are additional features that allow students to interact with facts about planets and space discovery.

Titans of Space:

With the music and the perfect visual effect, it will allow students to a more three-dimensional understanding of the mysterious solar system. Planets will be reduced to one-millionth of the actual size to get a surreal experience. For example, the earth seems to be a small house or a size of 12.7 meters wide hologram. The space giants are self-regulating and are equipped with various options, so you can customize your patrols based on your preference for students. It can be used with VR devices such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Monitor.


Creating virtual realities is not as impossible as it sounds. Students are actively involved in the creation and creative process that goes into building a VR world. With CoSpaces, they can make their own VR experiences – like virtual models, presentations or stories, share their creations and even explore them in virtual reality.

With CoSpaces users can create their own 3D and VR content and explore others’ work. The web application is open for beta testing and the iOS and Android  apps are ready to download.

Tilt Brush

Creating 3D paintings is every artist’s dream, and now with TiltBrush, it is a reality. Painting is done using a handheld “paintbrush,” and the creation possibilities will be awe inspiring for any creative student. With the right content, it can revolutionize the way classrooms operate by making learning more fun and interactive.

Learn Languages VR

It is a VR application for language learning. There is no doubt that the best way to learn a language is to integrate into this locale, but the current teaching conditions do not guarantee that every class has foreign teachers and not every student has the chances to communicate with native speakers. Learn Languages VR provides a dialogue from real life, including 28 languages, students can choose totally by themselves. As of April 2017, the global download has been more than 500 million times!

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