About Us

India's education sector is an industry growing at a rapid rate. It's now becoming a sector full of opportunities and results, too. At Education Biz, we get you all the news, information, latest happenings and trends from this booming sector. At Education Biz, you can also get insights from industry leaders on the growth prospects and opportunities of the education sector. We strive to make Education Biz a 360-degree-solution platform for the people engaged in education and education technology. We also attempt to build a strong knowledge and information platform for the industry.

Under the aegis of Franchise India, Education Biz aims to firmly position itself in the market. We have a large network of journalists, analysts and editors, who provide accurate and comprehensive information on a daily basis.

This website keeps daily track of all the recent happenings, events and major policy decisions and regulations, both at the domestic and international level, which directly or indirectly impact the industry.

For any feedback or queries, please write to us at advertise@franchiseindia.com.

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Note From President
Gaurav Marya Chairman, Franchise India Holdings Ltd.
3Ps - Principle, People and Partnership In the last seven years of successful franchising we have laid these 3Ps as our foundation. First is PRINCIPLE, to be 'Investor Centric... Franchise Focussed.' We understand the importance of an investor and are centric to work towards his interest. All our businesses are dedicated to inform and assist the investor. As pioneers in Indian franchising, all our divisions are either franchise supply or profitable franchise opportunities. Along with principle, we believe in our PEOPLE. FIHL is a people's company. HERE I would like to thank all our partners, vendors, team members and our clients for their valuable support. Happy Franchising !

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