Leisure & Entertainment

From SMAAASH to ‘Zoreko – Original Gamers’

TFW Bureau
TFW Bureau May 27, 2024 - 1 min read
From SMAAASH to ‘Zoreko – Original Gamers’ image
SMAAASH rebrands as Zoreko, a premium gaming arena

SMAAASH, a unit of Fun Gateway Arena Private Ltd. has renamed itself to ‘Zoreko – Original Gamers’, the company said in a press release.

By rebranding, the brand has redefined its brand identity and core values.

“This rebranding effort is a strategic move towards aligning the brand more closely with its target audience and its core offerings. The name we have chosen, Zoreko – Original Gamers, conveys our company’s commitment and emphasis on giving our patrons an authentic and immersive gaming experience. We believe every gamer deserves access to world-class, cutting-edge gaming.” said Avanish Agarwal, Consulting CMO, Zoreko.

The brand plans to open its flagship outlet at Elan in the first week of June along with opening two centres in Mohali and Patiala. This strategic geographical expansion targets markets with a high demand for specialized gaming centers, catering to India's passionate gaming community.

Recognizing the importance of growing community, Zoreko - Original Gamers also plans to expand its digital footprint by creating a platform for gaming enthusiasts. They also plan to launch gaming-related merchandise and accessories. All AI and VR games at Zoreko are made in India.

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