Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 3 min readThe fitness industry in India has undergone marked changes. The prime drivers for the sudden growth of this industry are: increase in the health problems, insulation from global meltdown, changing job profile of professionals leading to stress, necessitating avenues to relax and rejuvenate, faith in ‘prevention is better than cure’ and warnings from dieticians and ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 5 min readIndia backed by strong economy and high consumerism is witnessing a steady rise of fitness centres. Fitness industry is emerging as a promising business opportunity with entrepreneurs mulling the franchise business route to open fitness centres across different geographic locations. In fitness franchising, there are some challenges attached to it. Through franchising, it is easy ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 6 min readHectic daily schedules’, working couples, and realisation of the importance of good health has led to the evolution of fitness industry in India. Acknowledging the potential and to match the demand and service for good fitness centres many oganised national as well as international fitness players have opted for franchise route for expansion. Franchising provides ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 6 min readGood health is a valued asset, however staying healthy costs a lot these days. Exclusion of some prominent ailments like diabetes from health insurance cover, restrictions for senior citizens willing to take health insurance policies and lack of knowledge regarding various healthcare facilities provided by hospitals and consumers’ rights for availing various facilities in hospitals, ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 4 min readThere has been a shift in the fitness industry making it more organised during the last few years. In the past it was difficult coming across more than one or two non-branded and locally run fitness centres or gyms in a locality but the current scenario is entirely different. Gyms and fitness centres have been ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 5 min readGym and fitness industry is flourishing today with lots of national and international players having emerged into the segment. The credit for this boom in the industry to some extent goes to bollywood actors and divas that flaunt their well groomed bodies and muscles on screen and inspire youngsters to follow them. As a result ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 6 min readAccording to ASSOCHAM, the Indian herbal industry is likely to double from Rs 7,500 crore to Rs 15,000 crore by 2015. In this growing phase most of the ayurvedic brands have opted for the franchise route for expansion. Read on to know more about the current trends and how you can be a part of ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 6 min readHealth and fitness Industry is growing by leaps and bounds with the changing life styles. Favourable demographics with rising disposable incomes in the hands of younger population are the key factors that is routing ahead the fitness market in the country. As per Market Research.com, the Indian fitness and slimming industry constitutes about 8 per ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 7 min readGyms in India bank heavily on its result oriented services, reasonable charges, good equipment, trained staff and convenient locations. Gyms are flooded with members in the peak hours and there is a steady growth in membership and revenue year on year of 8 to 10 percent in the cities. Maximum Gyms are located in the ...
Opportunity India Desk Sep 29, 2017 - 3 min readFitness in India is growing at an annual compound rate of 60%. With yearn to look even better, fitter and presentable; today’s scenario for the health and fitness industry is getting enhanced. With these changes and demands, the fitness Industry relaxes on a fit side. Powerhouse Gym India has now opened 14 centers across India. ...