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Envision Smartkidz Preschool is joyous & exploratory in the ambiance & we have taken great care to design a functional & synergistic environment. The Smart Kidz curriculum abounds in lessons that explore all kinds of intelligence. We learn through rhymes, games and puzzles, gardening and cooking, role-play etc. We know that the next generation great batsman and the next extravagant painter are already in our school. We help them to discover and develop their talent. Each child will have the opportunity to grow emotionally, socially, intellectually, creatively, and physically. By designing a stimulating program, the children will not only acquire new skills, but also form a positive self-image.
Make a social impact through a rewarding financial venture:
It is an awesome privilege to be part of a child's life and make a difference that will last. Such an experience surely touches your heart and gives a sense of fulfillment. You too can have this rewarding experience and be closely associated with Envision Smartkidz preschool, by becoming a franchisee.
We bet you will have as much fun earning, as kids would have learning!!
Operations Commenced On 2008
Franchise Commenced On 2010
Investment INR 5lakh - 10lakh
Region Wise
Investment INR 2lakh - 5lakh
City Wise
Investment INR 2lakh - 5lakh
Likely pay back period of capital for a Unit Franchise 2 - 3 Years
- NA -
- NA -
- NA -
Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Goa
- NA -
- NA -
Floor area requirement 1500 - 3000 Sq.ft
Detailed operating manuals for franchisees Yes
Franchisee training location as per requirement
Is field assistance available for franchisee ? Yes
Expert guidance from Head Office to franchisee in opening the franchise Yes
Current IT systems will be included in the franchise Yes
How long is the franchise term for? 3 Years
Is the term renewable? Yes
Disclaimer: Franchise India is an integrated franchise solution company since 1999, and an absolute authority on franchising and licensing. FIHL ( and the site sponsors accept no liability for the accuracy of any information contained on this site or on other linked sites. We recommend you take advice from a lawyer, accountant and franchise consultant experienced in franchising before you commit yourself. It is user’s responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the accuracy and reliability of the information supplied. Please read the terms & conditions on Franchise India.
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